Monday, February 4, 2008

Panther A Platoon

Alright, finally something new. These guys are my first try with my new airbrush, and I'm pretty satisfied with the results. At least for a first time effort. :-) I'm excited about the new possibilities I now have open to me in a lot of different stages of my painting.

Anywho, these guys aren't for my own army... so they'll be hitting eBay later tonight after 9pm ET and ending this Saturday.






Gunfighter said...

Excellent work as usual.

Unknown said...

Those panthers look fantastic. Do you do the camo pattern with brushes or with an airbrush?

Ryan Miller said...

Hey Jeff. These are the first minis on which I did the camo using an airbrush. Up until this point, I've always blended by hand. Don't think I'll be going back :-)

Unknown said...

Oops, I realized you said that in the post already!

Well, they look fabulous especially for a first try.

I'm trying to bone up my flames of war painting skills so I'll probably be asking you more questions on the FoW boards (I'm jeffthewookiee there too).